Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:28 AM

This is the month of Candies, Cakes, Snows, X 'Mas Songs, So enjoy every moment with peace & happiness.
!!!!!!!!!!........... Merry Christmas........!!!!!!!!!!!...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:58 AM

October 8, 2011, Robertson Coatings reveals, "As per the recent scenario interior fire proofing is must at residential as well as office spaces". Interior Fireproofing is an innovative technology which can be used in construction of building to prevent it form fire incidents.
Fire is something that can break out anytime without any notice. Moreover, building materials now a day’s used are much exposed to fire catching equipments, tools and machineries....
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 2:25 AM

Interior Fireproofing has become essential on walls, roofs, floors as well as doors and windows. The materials used now a days are not at all resisitant to fire because everyone wants to go for stylish interior, but have you considered if a fire breaks out may be not at your home but even at neigherhood, you are prone to it. Your stylish doors and walls won't stop them. You need to have interior fireproofing for all of these.If you are planning a...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 12:29 AM

Every School Management should ensure that there are adequate means to warn people of a fire in the school premises. School Fire Protection could take the form of School KBS Coatings or School Painting Services Australia in larger premises, while in small schools it could be whistles, hand bells, or manually operated fire alarm bell. The key point is to make sure that the fire alarm system can be heard throughout the entire school during an emergency.
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:55 AM

Fireproofing is done by applying fire resistant covering materials to thermally protect the underlying steel from the heat of the fire. There have been many significant technological advancements in the development and commercialization of innovative and new generation fireproofing materials. As a result fire proofing has become cost effective with the use of lighter weight boards, lower density fireproofing sprays, increase in thermal efficiency...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 2:13 AM

Fireproofing, a inert fire protection technique indicates the act of making external or internal structures more resistant to the so called dangerous fire. Applying a testified and assured interior fireproofing system to have a fire-resistance rating is must for full proof safety. The term Fire Stop System does not necessarily gives evidence that a structure cannot ever burn.
However, Fire Stop System does work in order to make sure that the items...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 5:22 AM

Fire Protection is the foremost key topic which is faced by both building owners and facility managers. Intumescent Coatings is the passive fire protection method which plays an important role in fire protection.
Fire protection systems are pioneer requirements to the operations of the facility for several reasons. However, the first as well as most important reason is to save lives. Nowadays, many fire protective coatings systems have been invented...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 11:49 PM

Nowadays, commercial as well as residential both places require Fireproofing. It’s now just a required aspect of fast living life. Here we will discuss about what is fireproofing as well as structural steel's fireproofing.
Fireproofing is very vital aspect of today’s technology oriented as well as fast living life. Fireproofing something is concern with that you are taking passive fire protection measures to...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 8:50 PM

Nowadays, Penetration Seals are widely adaptable fireproofing system. So, here we will discuss about features and design consideration of cable penetration seals
We all are familiar with that fire resist compartments are made to include fire as well as smoke from scattering within building structures. Yet, the rule of compartmentation can also at hand a equivalent menace as most cloaked craters among fire resisting walls as well as floors are...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:25 AM

Interior Fireproofing is the new technology that used in construction of building to prevent its form fire incidents. We must be familiar ourselves with the different products of Interior fireproofing.
As per the recent scenario fire protection or fireproofing becomes very general at all places. Moreover, building construction as well as interior is also not exception of them. Interior Fireproofing, Mastic Paint, Cable Coating, etc are diverse...
Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 8:59 PM

Nowadays, present of cables in industrial places is very common. When we concern with the fire protection that time these cables are also not in exception. So, here you will get the ideas about Cable Fire Protection through cable coating.
Cabel Coating Australia
We all are familiar with that occurring of fire incidents very usual things in this technology oriented world. If we take a look inside of the industrial...