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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Passive Fire Protection Methods- Intumescent Coatings

Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:46 AM 3 comments

What is an Intumescent Coating? An intumescent coating is a passive fire protection specialist paint that chemically reacts in a fire. The coating expandsin size to form a char, which protects the steelwork for a specified period of time from the heat of the fire. Why do you need an Intumescent Coating? The purpose of Passive Fire Protection and protecting structural steel is to give people inside the buildingtime to leave the building. Steel...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fireproofing for Steel - Intumescent Coatings

Posted by Fire Protection Coatings on 3:20 AM 2 comments

Fire Protection is the foremost key topic which is faced by both building owners and facility managers. Intumescent Coatings is the passive fire protection method which plays an important role in fire protection. Fire protection systems are pioneer requirements to the operations of the facility for several reasons. However, the first as well as most important reason is to save lives. Nowadays, many fire protective coatings systems have been invented...

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